Here is something that should really set the world on fire It is a 3000yearold song, sung in a dead language that no one speaks or understands, accompanied on an instrument called the djedjet that hasn t existed in several millennia The words for this song are from an ancient Egyptian papyrus scroll, written in a formalized version of the language of the New Kingdom (roughly 1500 This was the era of some of Egypt s most famous pharaohs, including Tutankhamun, Queen Hatshepsut and the notorious heretic king Akenaten and his wife Queen Nefertiti. The song itself is written in several parts as a dialog between a young man and the girl he loves. This is the first part of it sung by the young man. Although he refers to the girl as sister, she is not his actual sister. It was common for people in those days, as it is in some places today, to refer to one another as brother and sister when they belonged to the same community. The language of ancient Egypt died out long ago, and no one is c