Turn Me On by David Guetta Nicki Minaj HD Un Official Video
Watch in 720p HD English, Spanish, and French lyrics Just press the CC button. This is an unofficial fan made video for Turn Me On by David Guetta and Nicki Minaj. Made it myself in only three days. Happy Birthday Nicki Heard it for the first time on the AMA s and had to make a video. I think I used just about every Nicki Minaj video made. Finally fixed the size problem from my other videos. Hope you enjoy it BTW, sorry I had to up the pitch a little otherwise youtube would pick up the copyright thing and block my video worldwide and I am just not up to the task to asking permission like I did with my first video; too much work and too long to get a response. Sorry Please Rate Comment I do not own any of this music or these videos. All rights belong to their respective