Clevver TV: Сумеречное трио лучшее за 2011 год
Become a Fan Follow Us What s going on, everyone You re back at the ClevverTV studio in Hollywood. I m Dana Ward and right now we ve got another Best of 2011 show just for you. Today we re dishing the year in review for the Twilight Trio. We re talking about Robert, Taylor and Kristen. It was definitely quite the year since fans are right in the heart of the movie wrapup with Breaking Dawn. That being said, 2011 kicked off with a lot of hype regarding Eclipse, because that film earned People s Choice Awards on January 6th for Favorite Movie, Best Movie in the Drama Category and Best OnScreen Team and months later in June, it took home a tone of trophies at the MTV Movie Awards including for Best Movie, Best Fight Scene for Robert Pattinson versus Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samual as well as individual performance awards for both Kirsten Stewart and Robert Pattinson. In fact, these two had a