Hontai Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu 40th All Japan Kobudo Demonstration 2017
SUBSCRIBE : Hontai Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu by Inoue Kyoichi Munenori Soke and his students by during the 2017 40th all Japan Aikido Kobudo Demonstration at the Nippon Budokan. Official presentation by the Kobudo association Founded by Takagi Shigetoshi around 1660, who was born as second son and studied diverse martial arts from an early age. His father s words be strong as a weeping willow because tall trees will break were so important to him that they were to become the source of what he was to call himself and his school. Further, he became so famous for his herculean strength that till today, there are legends told about him in Oshu. (Northern part of Japan. ) This school composites diverse Budo, emphasizing Jujutsu, Bojutsu and KodachiJutsu, focusing on simple, direct and effective techniques. Practionners Inoue Kyouich Munenori Soke Haraga Hiroshi Irie Tetsufumi Oga Tadashi Inoue Taigou Akasawa Yasuhiro ミッコサルリネン ユホピリネン マッティ