Micro UAS Black Hornet PD 100 PRS
The PD100 is the first airborne and commercially available Personal Reconnaissance System. It provides end users with a highly mobile sensor system providing an immediate Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance capability. Black Hornet nano air vehicles The Black Hornet nano air vehicles are inherently safe and pose virtually no risk to other air vehicles or personnel, allowing the system to be operated almost anywhere at any time without prior airspace coordination. The Black Hornets small size and electric motors makes it virtually inaudible and invisible beyond short distances. Rotor span 120 mm Mass 18 g including cameras Maximum speed 5 m, s Endurance up to 25 minutes Digital data link beyond 1500 m lineofsight GPS navigation or visual navigation through video Autopilot with autonomous and directed modes Hover Stare, preplanned routes Steerable EO cameras (pan, yaw and tilt) Live video and snapshot images