free for profit yeat + summrs + sgpwes type beat get over here
Stream my new song Usage of beat 145 BPM E major 12B (prod. Hella Onyx zzavius) Buy 1 get 1 free (wav only) PRICES 20 MP3 LEASE 50 WAV LEASE 50 CUSTOM BEAT 80 UNLIMITED STREAM 150 EXCLUSIVE Free to monetize for Youtube and Soundcloud only Max 10k streams before purchasing a lease Max 100k streams on any platforms before purchasing the unlimited contract Purchase a lease for major streaming services like Spotify and Apple music Credit me or it can be taken down You cant steal this beat and say that you made it Do not copyright unless you purchased the beat exclusively EMAIL INSTAGRAM hella0nyx , summrs, HellaOnyx, sgpwes Ignore Tags free for profit sgpwes + summrs +