GMG Reviews Dawnbringers V Shadow of the Crone by Games Workshop
We re into the FIFTH book of the DAWNBRINGERS for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. In this one, it s the return of Strongpoint terrain rules (much like the 40k expansion of some years ago). We ve also got a new Daughters of Khaine Character and Army of Renown and a beautiful new Order Regiment of Renown. Let s check it out 4:08 Strongpoints 7:16 Daughters of Khaine 14:24 Callis Toll 17:10 Final Thoughts Big thanks to GW for the complimentary copy of the book to review. , adwip , ageofsigmar , warhammercommunity GMG is publicly supported. Become a backer on Patreon to ensure new content and that the Studio can continue: Join us on DISCORD: Want to challenge Ash to a game Email him at or message him through his Facebook Page Follow Ash on Facebook: GMG Measuring Gauges and Tokens available HERE: GMG TShirts and Hoodies HERE: Intro and Outro music used via Creative Commons Benji by Dyalla