Totem Museum (1957)
Arundel, Sussex. Exterior. L, S of a bridge, Tudor houses with exposed beams and in the background Arundel Castle. M, S of the steep hill of the high street, in the background the entrance to the castle is visible. A couple walk down the hill past a row of quaint old fashioned shops. Panning shot follows the couple as they enter one of the shops. The shop doorway is surrounded by masks, statues and other artefacts from Africa, Asia and America. Low angle C, U of the shop sign The Totems Museum. Tilt down to show a lifesized wooden African figure. Interior. The couple enter a room lined with glass cabinets filled with primitive art and artefacts. The narrator explains the man is Frank Foster, fellow of the geological society and fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. M, S of Foster examining a wooden Chief s food bowl from the Hadia Indians of Queen Charlotte Islands, British Colombia. C, U of Foster s hand picking up a Medicine Man s rattle made by the same tribe. C, U of Foster s face as he