Joshua James Fist ( Official Video)
Stream, download or buy 12 vinyl: CREDITS Directed by: Faboo fabootv Jeanie Crystal jeaniecrystal Josh Quinton joshquinton Cinematography: Josh Quinton joshquinton Jeanie Crystal jeaniecrystal Edit Grade: Peggy Sue Cranney peggysueedits Choreography: Jeanie Crystal jeaniecrystal Animation and graphics: Josh Quinton joshquinton Produced by: Celeste Kennedy Doig celestekdoig Lighting and videographer: Emma Jones emwajones Styling and costumes: Max Allen maxallenbabes Makeup: Guy Common guycommon Makeup assistant: Rachel Porter thisisrachelporter Wigs by Man wigs manwigs Charles Stanley cmstanley13 Staring: Joshua James, djjoshuajames Peaches, peachesnisker Webster, w3bst4r, Jeanie Crystal, jeaniecrystal Jacob OConnell, jacob0connell Wet Mess, wetmess Novaya Shey, glassofgemini Lucy Fizz, lucyfizz Archive footage courtesy of Glamorre Torry Minty