False Memories Rain Of Souls (2021)
Subscribe To Our Channel: , From the album THE LAST NIGHT OF FALL. Buy or Stream: , Watch the Voices music video: Shop our U. S. webstore: or EU webstore: Video created by Violex Video. Music by Francesco Savino, Rossella Moscatello Lyrics by Rossella Moscatello Vocals recorded by Andrea Seveso at Ivorytears Music Works, Somma Lombardo, Italy Recorded, mixed and mastered by Davide Tavecchia at Twilight Studio, Senago (Milan), Italy Engineered by Davide Tavecchia Produced by Francesco Savino Lyrics: Noises all around me Cause annoying hums Before a new start A torment comes over me It is not an isolated case A badly digested memory It grows in me like a beast, and it comes out Bury any fear, so you don t float in the emptiness of silence You can t stay there watching the falling world, the world falls A rain of souls envelops us In a desperate embrace