The Great Gatsby Feat. Kaia Gerber, Nat Wolff Dir. Brando Crawford
Please donate Dolce and Gabbana is matching all donations up to I know it may sound cliche but every donation counts We need your help to reach our goal. Let s do this team :) Cast: Kaia Gerber as Daisy Buchanan Nat Wolff as Jay Gatsby Mason Gooding as Nick Carraway Josephine Langford as Jordan Baker Jake Picking as Tom Buchanan Owen Thiele as Owl Eyes, Various Brando Crawford as Mr. Wilson, Various Rivkah Reyes Myrtle, Various Kahyun Kim as Catherine, Various Ty Molbak as Mr. Gatz, Various Crew: Directed, Produced, and Adapted by Brando Crawford CoExecutive Producer: Jared Eng Associate Producers and Editing: Ty Molbak and Joe Blakey Original Compositions: Alex Mansour Original Animations: Christian Hanover Cinematographer: Patrick Ouziel Camera Operator: Yev Zhuk Gaffer: Lisa Tom Sound: Roman Nunez Assistant Director: Ty Molbak Syling: Jared