If your pet bird shows these signs, be sure it loves you
Hello everybirdie Today s topic is about the signs that your bird loves you If your birf does these things, be sure that it loves you Znakovi da vas papagaj voli Današnja tema je o znakovima koje ptice, papagaji pokazuju svome vlasniku kada ga zavole. Ako ove bavedene stvari radi vaša ptica, mora da vam mnogo poštuje i cijeni find me on. instagram: wingednerdy pinterest: wingednerdy thank you xoxo 0:00 start 0:22 beginning info 0:49 read bird body language 0:53 1 eye flashing 1:33 2 bird is regurgitating to you 2:05 3 crouching with head forward 2:38 4 bird is preening your hair 2:56 5 bird is constantly coming to you 3:22 6 bird is wagging its tail 3:36 listen to bird s voice 3:40 7 parrot purring sounds 4:03 8 bird tongue clicking 4:13 9 singing, whistli