Debian 12 First Look, The Biggest Linux Release of the Year (2023)
Get Linux Mastery Express: The next BIG iteration of Debian Stable is finally here. Debian stable is downright one of the biggest and hottest Linux distribution in the world. Major distros like Ubuntu, Mx Linux, Zorin, Pop OS, Linux Mint and many more are directly or indirectly based on Debian. So every new release of Debian is a huge news in the Linux world. Download Debian 12: Debian 12 will release on 10th June and will be available for download after that Support Me on Patreon: Connect with Me on Instagram: And this release is nothing short of phenomenal. New and refreshed desktop experiences, updated set of packages, and improvements everywhere. Yeah, Debian 12 Bookworm will be the defacto Linux distribution for the next 5 years. So lets quickly have a look at whats new, whats improved and what kind of an experience you will be getting from the latest and greatest, Debian 12.