BRUTAL Death of Gustav Wagner Bestial NAZI Sobibor Officer Known as the The BEAST and Wolf
Death of Gustav Wagner Bestial Nazi Sobibor Officer Known as the The BEAST and Wolf. . Gustav Wagner was born on the 18th of July 1911 in Vienna, then part of AustriaHungary, and was a mechanic by profession. From 1928 he served as a soldier in the Austrian army and his main political goal was the annexation of Austria to the German Reich. He shared this goal with the German Nazi Party which he joined in on January 19, 1931. Beginning in May 1933, the Austrian Nazis waged a propaganda and terror campaign which was encouraged and funded by Germany. The Nazi goal was to undermine the regime of the Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss by making it look incompetent. They staged disruptive protests and brawled with political opponents and the police. Austrian Nazis set off explosives and tear gas bombs in public places and Jewishowned businesses. In June 1933, in response to a fatal Nazi bombing, the Dollfuss regime banned the Austrian Nazi Party and its affiliates. Although the Nazi