The Imaginary Invalid by MOLIÈ RE read by , Full Audio Book
The Imaginary Invalid by MOLIÈRE (1622 1673) Genre(s): Plays, Satire Read by: in English Chapters: 00:00:00 01 Act 1 00:32:16 02 Act 2 01:10:15 03 Act 3 The Imaginary Invalid (French: Le Malade imaginaire) is a threeact comédieballet by the French playwright Molière. It was first performed in 1673 and was the last work he wrote. In an ironic twist of fate, Molière collapsed during his fourth performance as Argan on 17 February and died soon after. (Summary by Wikipedia)Cast:Argan, an imaginary invalid: Allen JohnsBeline, second wife to Argan: Nadine EckertBouletAngelique, daughter to Argan: Arielle LipshawLouison, Argan s young daughter: Elizabeth KlettBeralde, brother to Argan: Delmar H. DolbierCleante, lover to Angelique: mbMr. Diafoirus, a physician: WupperhippoThomas Diafoirus, his son: engineerdstMr. Purgon, physician to Argan: Bellona TimesMr. Fleurant, an apothecary, Mr. De Bonnefoi, a notary: Alan MapstoneToinette, mai