40 MIN INTENSE TOTAL BODY TABATA ABS WORKOUT (burn belly fat, build sexy 6 pack abs 11 line abs)
Get ready to sweat and build flat sexy 6pack abs with this totalbody ABS Tabata workout 40minute intense fatblasting absfocused workout burn belly fat, build rocksolid abs, trim your waist, and get 11line abs. Get flat sexy 6pack abs Join Transform membership program here Subscribe to channel here equipment I m using today 8 Lbs dumbbells set This session is perfect for beginner, intermediate, or advanced fitness level participants and will promote faster fat loss, increase muscle mass and burn belly fat. This Tabata highintensity interval training workout routine will help you burn fat, lose weight and build a flat sexy stomach. C O N N E C T Join our TRANSFORM FB group GRAB YOUR WORKOUT CALENDAR HERE