Evolution of Creepy Nintendo Easter Eggs (1993 2019)
Evolution of the creepiest and scariest Easter Eggs in Nintendo Games starting in 1993 with Star Fox until 2019 with Super Mario Maker 2 for the Nintendo Switch. What is your favorite spooky secret All Nintendo Games in this video 1. Out of this Dimension Star Fox (1993) 2. Spooky Faces Game Boy Camera (1998) 3. Gyroid Face Animal Crossing (2001) 4. Creepy Shadow Luigi s Mansion (2001) 5. Weird Postbox Mother 3 (2006) 6. Shiverburn Galaxy Aliens Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2010) 7. UFO in World 13 Super Mario 3D Land (2011) 8. Special TV Show Animal Crossing: New Leaf (2012) 9. Ghost Girl Cutscene Pokémon X Y (2013) 10. Pokémon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire (2014) 11. Mysterious Sunken Scroll Splatoon (2015) 12. Secret Doors Super Mario Maker (2015) 13. Dark Link The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017) 14. Zombie Mario Super Mario Odyssey (2017) 15. Super Mario Maker 2 (2019) , 967