23 Creatures and Characters Related with Christmas and Winter Holidays
We all heard about Santa Klaus and Saint Nicholas. They are practically the icons of the winter holidays. But in different cultures there are many more characters and creatures related to Christmas. I will present to you 23 of them: The Nisser The Yule Goat Zwarte Piet Frau Perchta Straggele Gryla The Yule Lads The Yule Cat The Grinch Belsnickel Olentzero Knecht Ruprecht Kallikantzaroi Père Fouettard Krampus Jack Frost Ded Moroz The Snow Maiden Lussi The Lutins Rudolph Hans Trapp La Befana If you are interested in Creatures from mythology, check the following videos from my channel: Top 200 Mythical Creatures and Monsters from Around the World: Creatures and Monsters of Australian and New Zealand Folklore: Creatures and Monsters of Asian Folklore: