Dizzy Miss Lizzy , The Beatles Full Instrumental
Ladies and gentleman, the Help album is complete Thank you for your support and encouragement This has been the most fun album I ve ever recorded. Amazing songs. Incredibly underrated album. Important life update: I m starting a very exciting new job next week Unfortunately this will mean a little break from Beatles covers, unsure how long. Once I m settled in, I very much intend to start making videos again. I would guess a few weeks, maybe a month or so. Until then, feel free to follow my Instagram account where I ll keep you all posted on my plans for the next covers. I honestly have no clue what I m doing next, though I have ideas Only one note on this recording I decided to use my favorite rhythm pattern for John s part, which is a technique he used on other songs ( Bad Boy ), but not on Dizzy Miss For Lizzy, he played the same notes, but in open A, not the