Phoenix Wise The Resistance We Are The Resistance ( Official Music Video)
We Are The Resistance is the 4th single by Phoenix Wise The Resistance. We Are The Resistance is a hard rock, punk, and alternative rock jam that is very powerful with a guitar riff and energy to fight and conquer tyranny and fascism. You will be singing a long and banging your head to this one. As energetic of a song that it is, the lyrics are very meaningful and come from the heart of Phoenix Wise. We must speak out and stand up against corruption, greed, and fascism. Peace This song is also from Phoenix Wise s book, The Great Illusion: A Story of SelfRevolution, Part 2: The Awakening, which will eventually be available on Amazon as an eBook or print form and from other retailers. Please support and help for future releases by purchasing the track on Bandcamp: Please also support and help for future releases by streaming on Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Play, Tidal, Deezer, SoundCloud, and m