Why Boredom is Good For You
Boredom makes you more creative, altruistic, introspective, and helps with autobiographical planning. This video was sponsored by LastPass: I feel like this video might come across as condescending but the person I m really talking to is myself. Despite the fact that I know how useful it can be to be bored, I still find myself trying to fill every last moment with stimulus. Boredom is unpleasant the open, unstructured thinking that can take place can also feel pointless. But now I m made this video to remind myself how important boredom is so hopefully I ll make more time to be bored. More resources: The boredom leads people to shock themselves study: Just Think: The challenges of the disengaged mind Boredom leads people to consider their future and set goals study: Back to the future: Autobiographical planning and the functionality of mindwandering On