A hint of Spring an early Spring hand play
Those early hints that Spring is round the corner raises our spirits as Winter draws to a close. Words and music by Dany Rosevear. Accompanied by my granddaughter. My NEW website is up and running and ready to go. It is linked to my Singing games for children site which though fine is a little creaky after 16 yrs This site is user friendly, inviting and interactive. All my recent videos will be featured here. Do visit and let me know what you think of it. To find music, chords and more Spring songs visit: A traditional resource for teachers, child care providers, librarians, parents and grandparents, ESL, EFL or just nostalgia or to find many more songs including those from other countries. I saw a hint of Spring today, A yellow bud dressed in green. I knew it was a daffodil It sang Spring begins Grey pussy willows softly peeped, Long catkins dangled down, The sun came out and children smiled As Spring put on her crown.