How I Started Modeling In Japan At 15 Years Old, QA with pictures
Get the Rosetta Stone Lifetime Subscription for only 150 USD: , rosettastone, rosettastonepartner RosettaStone Modeling in Japan was definitely one of the most pivotal moments in my life that opened up the world and its possibilities at a very young age. More than likely I would not be where I am now if I didn t have that life experience so early on. The modeling industry is definitely not an easy industry to get into, especially at a young age, but in today s video I wanted to tell you guys about my journey of going from being a high school student in small town Saskatchewan to working a full time job on the other side of the world Hope you enjoy it and let me know your thoughts in the comments :) Support my journey on Patreon: Paypal Account: FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram Facebook WEBSITE