In Response to Netanyahu, Maajid Nawaz, EP 337
Watch Jordan Peterson s Vision Destiny on DW+ Peterson draws upon his extensive research and relatable reallife experiences to illustrate how to develop attainable goals for intimate relationships, meaningful friendships, and your career. Transform the chaotic potential of the future into actuality with a vision. Maajid Nawaz launches this indepth discussion with a rebuttal to Jordan Peterson s prior interview with PM Benjamin Netanyahu. From here they discuss the affinities and gaps between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, and explore the origin of ideology, as well as the technocratic tower of babel we as a species seem to be constructing. Maajid Nawaz is a British antiextremist, political commentator, activist, and podcast host. He was recently released from his LBC radio show for his views on the covid 19 pandemic, and has roots as one of the original named members of the supposed Intellectual Dark Web, along with characters su