Greg Plitt Core Values Workout Preview Video
If you want to build something that stands the test of time, you must ensure the structure is built upon a solid foundation. In the gym, the foundation of our future goals rests on the strength of our core. The core is not about the vanity of a six pack, but the functionality of the entire core belt, the core values that will stand the test of time. Everyone wants a sexy six pack, the thing is, if you focus on building a strong core the right way, you not only get the cut six pack, you get an entire body that is strong and solid to the core. Greg walks you through his process on building your physique from the rock, your core values that will bear the fruits of your labor and always deliver. In the Core Values Workout, an all new 45 minute workout video available only in the Members Section, we sacrifice today as an investment for tomorrow s greatness as the seed of cutness is planted. The Members Section contains 166 videos, including 48 instructional workout video