Lou Episode 1 ( Learn French with Cartoons)
Hi This is Lou Translator. When I first watched Lou Journal Infime (Lou Diary) I was searching for an eng dub or sub. But I couldn t find it. So I decided to translate it myself for the ones who want to learn french with cartoons. This translation has been made with the official french subtitiles. Don t forget that all the sentences in here has got their own meaning in french so some of them might not have sense for you. I tried to do my best, but of course I might made some mistakes too. But these are all basic words and conversational french so I think you can get the idea of most of the sentences that they make after a while of watching french cartoons, series or etc. Don t forget that learning a language is not reading grammer books but all about practice Avion means plane in french so it is a joke. Lou is an animated TV series, adapted from the best sellers of Julien of Julien Neel s albums published by Glénat