Hoodslam Red
1. Hop Daddy (c) vs. Rob Hands (GLAM Title Match) 2. Dark Sheik Vipress vs. Maki Itoh Sawyer Wreck 3. Brooke Havok vs. Johnnie Robbie 4. Cereal Man Richard Shhhnary vs. The Newerer Dogs (Jaguar Montoya Joey Gonzo) 5. Mac Daddy Mylo Mighty Mayra vs. The Lost Treasures (Joe DeSoul Lara Frazier) vs. The Boom Gang (James C Scott Rick Stoner) (Intergalactic Tag Team Title, 1 Contendership Three Way Match) 6. Anton Voorhees vs. Sandra Moone 7. Kenny K (c) vs. El Chupacabra vs. Rick Scott Stoner vs. Juice Lee (Best Athlete In The East Bay Title Four Way Match)