I Did It My Way Carl Norberg 2023 05 17
General Michael Flynn med avseende på Durhams slutgiltiga America is pissed. Trump is pissed. Im pissed. And all rightly so after the release of the Durham report. How do we get our country back and our duly elected POTUS The missteps Durham said have been fixed are still in place (dont kid yourself). The FBI needs to be completely shut down and it must happen in any new administration that enters the WH. Ideas about reform are fine but not until a complete shut down occurs. All partys political candidates running for POTUS must have the complete restoration of faith in the federal government as their top priority. No more games. And people that committed crimes such as treason and, or sedition against the American people must be held accountable (all of them). There will be no statute of limitations and no rocks to hide under. My lawsuit against the DOJ and the EOP (and others) aside, if the DOJ doesnt go after those who perpetrated these c