Power BI Update August 2021
Welcome to the August 2021 update, can you believe that its August already In this update we have exciting new things for Q A as well as for Shapes. Also, new this month is Automatic aggregations for DirectQuery. There is more to explore, please continue to read on. Reporting Customize shape formatting 00:18 Xaxis constant line improvements 00:47 Default sensitivity label policy in Power BI desktop (preview) 01:17 Analytics Sharing Q A synonyms 01:39 Modeling New way of expressing Date and DateTime values 02:13 Evaluation configuration settings 04:18 Data connectivity and preparation One Dataflow Connector (Connector Update) 06:15 Automy Data Analytics (New Connector) 06:54 Azure Databricks (Connector Update) 07:27 Dremio (Connector Update) 07:27 Google BigQuery (Connector Update) 07:27 Quic