Арина Курганская церемония Оскар 2024
Thank you to the Academy for this incredible recognition. Ive wanted to win an Oscar award since I was a little girl but people kept telling me Im not an actress at all. I decided to pursue acting again during my senior year at the university. I found a job in order to pay for my studies and combined studying acting and journalism plus work. I remember when I almost fainted because of exhaustion but I never ever doubted being an actress because I love this profession so much Then I met my beautiful talent manager Elena Naletova and her daughter actress id416408876, LizaKvins who gave me great guidance in profession, kept me safe and always believed in me even when I didnt believe in myself. Every time I fell, she gave me her hand and made me stand up and follow my dreams. I want to thank Elena Naletova, id416408876, LizaKvins, LuxAlexTalentAgency for all support and guidance. I thank my mom, my friends for always being here for me.