Ukraine Lost 350, 000 Troops, Hundreds of Tanks
Ukraine Lost 350, 000 Troops, Hundreds of Tanks It s a complete failure. Because it s almost four months of their offensive operation. The losses are huge. They lost, according to the data which was made public by the Russian Minister of Defense, only for four months period is around 75, 000 people killed The losses of equipment and materiel is also huge. Hundreds of tanks, aircraft, thousands of armored vehicles, artillery pieces, everything are also huge, including Western Leopard tanks, Challenger tanks, French tanks Leclerc and their wheeled tank. The same will be with Abrams when they arrive to Ukraine, Evgeny Buzhinsky, retired Russian lieutenantgeneral, told Sputnik. Listen to more of Buzhinskys analysis in our podcast New Rules Watch the full episode of our show on Rumble Источник: Sputnik International t. me, SputnikInt