Johann Schneider Preludium und Fuge Willem van Twillert Hinsz organ Leens NL
, Johannwillemvantwillertbaroquorganmusic 3willemvantwillertleens ORGAN HISTORY The organ at Leens was built in 17334 by Albertus Anthoni Hinsz. The still young organbuilder Hinsz had established his reputation with the rebuild and enlargement of the organ in the Martinikerk (St. Martins Church) at Groningen in1729, at the request of the widow of Frans Caspar Schnitger (three years later he married her). Schnitger had been commissioned to rebuild the organ of the Martinikerk in 1728, but had died shortly before the work was to have begun. Hinsz undertook the work for f 3. 400, . The instrument was built with 27 stops, divided among Hoofdwerk, Rugwerk and independent Pedal. The case design and details were borrowed from the organ of the Michaëlskerk (St. Michaels Church) at Zwolle. This design was repeated a number of times by Hinsz: in Almelo, Midwolda, Harlingen, Bolsward and Uithuizermeeden. Of all these instruments, that at Leens is the most brilliant and the closes