Christmas Gingerbread House with Tourettes
hey everyone happy december hope you all have a really lovely and peaceful holiday even if you dont celebrate christmas also are you proud of me i edited all this in like 3 hours so i could have it posted on the same day reminder: i have tourettes syndrome, a neurological condition that causes involuntary movements or sounds. these are called tics. i have thousands of tics, too many to count i have motor tics which cause my arms to jerk, cause me to hit things, cause my neck to jerk and causes me to jump around like a looney. hope this helps you understand a bit more introduction: hi my name is evie meg, im 20 years old and i make videos sharing my life living with tourettes syndrome, aiming to raise awareness, educate more people and try to make light of living with this everyday. since as you can imagine its very difficult. im also a mandala artist and i also do full song covers in british sig