BMW Z3 coupé 2. 8, Vazen 28mm and SIRUI 50mm Anamorphic Lens TEST
For Car mount Vazen 28mm 1. 8x + Black ProMist Filter 1, 8 + Variable ND Filter GH5 Anamorphic Recording 10bit (4:3) 33282496 1. 8x Desqueeze to 38401650 VLog L Graded For Tripod or Shoulder bag support SIRUI 50mm F1. 8 1. 33x + Black ProMist Filter 1, 4 + Variable ND Filter GH5 to NINJA V 10bit ProRes422 (16:9) 38402160 1. 33x Desqueeze to 38401650 VLog L Graded , BMWZ3coupe, Vazen28mm, SIRUI50mm