Xilent The Place ( Au5 Remix), Launchpad Softcover
One Thousand Subscribers. is surreal. It s finally done. I have been told this before, but I really learned while making this that more launchpads doesn t make a better performance, but I am so happy I was able to finish this because the process was very extensive to make a light show across eleven launchpads. This project was actually started back in October, maybe even late September, before I even began the project for my Fly Away video. It s only fair to say I ve worked six months on it though, because I took about two months off to work on Fly Away, and I had many days when my motivation had completely left me. Now I know I say it a lot, but Thank you. Everyone who has supported my work over the past year are the ones who motivate me to create more. It s just absolutely amazing how kind and supportive you guys are. You give me the kind of attention that I ve never had before I started this channel. I