Bonsai 京都の職人による盆栽鉢を製造するプロセス 字幕
This video introduces the process of making a Bonsai pot. Seiyokai is an association of craftsmen in Kyoto who are dedicated to the production of Kyoyaki and Kiyomizuyaki pottery. For about 100 years, this area has been producing famous ceramic artists and craftsmen with solid skills, who have dedicated their lives to the production of Kyoyaki and Kiyomizuyaki pottery. There is an annual project that the members of Seiyokai gather together and come up with one theme. Then different craftsmen use each unique skill to produce a work of art under one theme. This year s theme is a BONSAI pot. The bonsai pots in the video can be purchased below Online Store: Articles for this products: Contact: 2022 Suigenkyo Ltd. All rights reserved. , Bonsai, bonsai sancang, japan, pottery, handmade, crafts, workshop, process Chapter 0:00 Introduction 0:37 Kneading the clay 0:55 Molding 2:34 Shaving 3:37 Attaching the Feet 4:32 Designing 6:08 Glazing 7:12 Firing