Трейлер к сериалу Дикая местность , 15 сентября 2023 года
Liv becomes the actress starring in Wills bad dreams after she learns about his betrayal, and her heartbreak is swiftly followed by another emotion: fury. The couple embark on an American road trip Livs fantasised about since she was little, from the Grand Canyon on through Yosemite, before ending up with a hedonistic weekend in Las Vegas. For Will, its a chance to make amends; for Liv, its a very different prospecta landscape where accidents happen all the time. The perfect place to get revenge. Look what he made her do SUBSCRIBE: Get More Prime Video: Watch More: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Prime Video has thousands of popular movies and TV shows, including awardwinning Amazon Originals, plus live sport and more. All included with Prime , Wilderness, TaylorSwift, LookWhatYouMadeMeDo, JennaColeman, OliverJacksonCohen, AshleyBenson