6500 Airplane No license required RAW FOOTAGE
Come aboard, just kidding its a single seater Took this 2 stroke flying and it was great fun Hope you enjoy the unedited version. If you would like me to edit it down with some tunes let me know in the comments. Help support our mission on Patreon ツ Aviator, father, combat veteran entrepreneur. I ve been flying since I was 27 when I purchased a paramotor on eBay. I had no idea what I was getting into I ve had the flying bug ever since Flew ultralights for many years (paramotor and fixed wing). Fast forward to today I own my first airplane and I plan on doing as much charity work with it as I can Now, I m sharing all kinds of aviation adventures with you Ride along as we explore the world from the air and get a close up look at some of aviation s best flight experiences, destinations and charity work me and my son will love to share with you Disclaimer: I am not an inst