Archetype: The Magician
The mature Magician archetype is focused on problem solving, finding solutions, creativity, rational thinking, logical thinking, and creative thinking. He also finds ways to protect us in the face of danger and is an expert in going within to find the gifts of healing and transformation. In its mature form, the Magician archetype embodies the following qualities: He is all about creativity, thinking and problem solving. He likes specialist knowledge that requires expertise and learning to master. He may have served an apprenticeship to a master to become qualified in his specialism. At the same time, he is master of introspection, going within to find the gifts of selfknowledge and healing. Magician energy is seen in professions such as doctor, counselor, therapist, computer programmer, computer technology, architect, builder, scientist, writer, musician, and actor. However he is active in any profession when problems need to be solved or strategies need to be devised. He is usually oriented towards goodness