WARNING FLASHING LIGHTS AND GORE. After a timespan of four months that included hard work and communication, Exwives is finally complete. As for this is my only second completed map, Ive certainly learned a few new things in this time. But, I couldnt have done it without the amazing participants, backups, helpers and viewers that helped along the way. Im utterly thankful to be apart of this fandom, even to its smallest bits. From the time and effort each participant put into making their parts, to even just many of you watching; Im grateful for you all. Furthermore, Exwives, A completed map hosted by Pastel Cookie. thank you. Thumbnail winner: Cassidiel, 8008 Credit artists in order: Nilorthoox , HazelDrawss, Vialantdreams, Pinecone dot er, , StarKid168, Furox, StrayKat, OwOwillowed, Crazypink Chiwawah, BerryBovine Original MAP call: Mapathon playlist: