Final Fantasy VII Those Who Fight ( Piano Collection) Grand Piano ピアノ動画 FF7 闘う者達
Hello everyone Thank you for viewing my latest recording of Those Who Fight from Final Fantasy VII (piano collections) on YouTube. This is my fourth recording of this epic track arranged by Shiro Hamaguchi, composed by Nobuo Uematsu. If we take it all the way back to 2003 when this arrangement was first released, I would be 13 years old, listening to this track in absolute awe and disbelief, wondering how to make the piano sound like that. It then became my mission to learn this piece. I began studying it the second I could find the sheet music, and oh boy was it difficult to learn for me back then It ended up taking me years to get truly comfortable with this piece, with many lengthy breaks in between bouts of practice sessions that went on for weeks on end, still studying whatever formal assignment my piano teacher had me working on. If I remember correctly, at the time, Those Who Fight was much harder than anything I was working on with my teacher, and I was undoubtedly too