Normandy Landings (1944)
Normandy, France. Various shots of the barrage of fire from antiaircraft guns sky lit. Children in a shelter, looking at camera. Various shots of the French people talking to Allied soldiers. Various shots of the landing activities on the beach landing craft and battleships off shore. Tanks, lorries, armoured cars, troops disembarking, men at the beach still unloading the equipment. Various shots of the French people walking along the road. Allied soldiers walking through French village. Several shots of a smashed glider. Various shots of the troops and lorries advancing through French village. Some men seated on side of the road resting. Several French people, probably collaborators, being escorted by US Military Police. Children watching the army men moving through village. Various shots of the army men mixing with local crowd. American soldiers giving out food and cigarettes. A group of French peasants walking across fields they look like refugees fleeing home Various shots of the activities o