Damn, thats interesting
Very occasionally, scammers get fed up with what they do and will betray their bosses. I teamed up with Ben of the Pleasant Green YouTube channel to expose the bosses of these scam call centres. You ll see how they train their staff and a couple of ways that they launder money. If you d like to view Ben s version of this video, it s here: His channel is here: If you can possibly support me, this is my Patreon link: (Patrons have extra, unblurred content or special chat events depending on your Patron level) Alternatively, you can buy me a coffee Or, to cut our the middleman I ll happily accept support via BitCoin: My Wallet ID: 3McgSrbEJ5BcCGRbqnhcHFiQjuCrjmmUSA Many thanks if you can support me Catch me on Twitter: JimBrowing11 Join my Discord server: I even have a Subreddit: https:,