Vigorous Steve Test, Primo, GH Life In Thailand
Vigorous Steve Big Paul catch up after one year since Steve first had Paul on his show. They talk about their favorite cycles, life as coaches, and plans for the future. 00:00 Intro 02:45 Pro Steroid Cycles Instagram Growth 04:06 Bros thing you cant grow on 23 grams of steroids 04:18 Pauls test and primo cycle 05:45 Maintaining size on TRT doses 08:39 The Legend of the Cheesecake Factory American Portion Sizes 11:31 Pauls heart health 13:35 Oral Steroids and Low HDL 14:30 Test, Primo, GH Insulin is the best cycle 15:58 The most Tren Paul Steve have Ever Run 19:28 Steves BabyMaking Protocol 26:55 Life in Thailand 33:23 Being Huge is Uncomfortable 39:49 Managing Blood Pressure Blood Glucose 41:48 Cialis Other Meds for Blood Pressure 43:12 Steroids for Success In Life 48:34 Tren for Business Focus Productivity 51:08 Life as a Bodybuilding Coach There Are No Days Off VIGORO