Overview of Lecküchner s langes messer master strikes
Overview of Lecküchners master strikes, master cuts, meisterhau for langes messer. This video won t go into great technical detail or try to summarise all of the plays for each master strike. Instead I will try to describe what roles the strikes play within the system. The description will also be from a longsworders perspective, so if you do have a background in KDF longsword that will help. Lecküchner has used the structure and contents of the Liechtenauer longsword sources as a template. If you want to know more about the longsword and langmesser connection I talk a bit more about that in the channel intro video, link in the description Lecküchner gives us versions of the five familiar longsword master strikes, but for langmesser and with new names. Just like for longsword, we get vier versetzen, where four of the strikes are used to counter the four guards. Lecküchner also adds a sixth strike Wincker which does not correspond to a longsword strike. Just like in the