Oil pastel peacock drawing for beginners step by step
Oil pastel painting peacock for beginners step by step using camel oilpastels 25 shades, oilpastel painting, oilpastel drawing if you are looking for the materials(affiliate links) Camel oilpastels: Camel oilpaste(12) : Blending stump : Camel Drawing Book(for paper) If you want to use pastel paper instead : Masking Tape : FaberCastell oilpastels (50) : , oilpastel, colourstrokz, pasteldrawing materials used:. Camel oil pastel 25 colours. chart paper. a piece of cloth for blending. blending stump. a pen(without ink ), scale for scraping Follow me on instagram Links for oil pastel painting Oil pastel painting bird, toucan Oil pastel painting owl :y