BLUE LUNAR MONKEY Essential Oneness Altar Records HD
Blue Lunar Monkey aka Daniel Gradilla returns after years of silence with a new album entitled Essential Oneness. As we become aware of the interconnectedness of existence, we weave a golden thread that brings into our everyday life the reality of oneness. This golden thread is the unbroken link that exists between the One Essence and Its infinite ways of expression, Its creation. Developing relational consciousness builds bridges of understanding among different people, traditions, ideas, and faiths and empowers individuals to live an integrated life ensouled with meaning. By perceiving the essential oneness that exists among all things a new sense of living and belonging is Artwork and music composed and produced by Daniel Gradilla Daniel gives his thanks to his family for support and inspiration. Mastering by DJ Zen Altar Records Offered in 24bits studio master only in Bandcamp: Audio upload in Youtube: 256k mp3, graphics: HD , ARCDA81,