ENJP Sub Kansai Dialect vs Standard Japanese TOP72 Words
TOP72 Words that are different between Kansai Dialect and Standard Japanese Kansai Dialect (Kansai Ben) vs Standard Japanese (Tokyo Dialect) Kasai Dialect : Dialect used in the Kansai area, which has Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Nara and more Standard Japanese : Used in the Kanto area, which has Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba and more You can check out Hitoki s channel, Onomappu here Onomappu : He tried Kansai Ben in this video Japanese Kansai Dialect Will They Find Out I m Faking It ft. TakoAki Japanese CHECK OUT MY SOCIAL MEDIA TikTok Twitter Instagram BLOG MORE VIDS ABOUT JAPANESE BY OTHER YOUTUBERS : , 964