dean vs damon im sexy and i know it
PLEASE HD IS YOUR BFF otherwise it looks AWFUL trust me here i am with a new video. . that supposed to be online since months ahah xD i started this a long time ago but never had that much motivation to finish it. . i don t know why but it was really hard to edit x. x hope you like those little dialogues between dean and damon. . i did my best searching those scenes and quotes; D aaaand the short eyebrow part (right nat xD hope it turned out good enough for you. . i did my best; D) at that point i wanna thank you leti (TheJessy34), nat (svesh95) and geena (xFallenIntoShadow) thanks for your awesome help this video would never be finish without you girls this is why i dedicate this to you i can t say it enough . . i just love you for judging on my work even if i m a bit annoying LOLOL LOVE YAAA GUYS SO MUCH and this is of course for my lovely subbers br, br,