Pumped Up Kicks Ft Marc Lepine Kanye West Lyrics
An idea of what the song Pumped Up Kicks would be like if Canadian school shooter Marc Lepine sang it feat. Kanye West. The song is a PARODY, and therefore, it is legally protected under the Fair Use Act and the principles guiding free speech in the United States Constitution. This PARODY does not incite nor promote hatred or harm against any innocent civilians. This Video is not responsible for any backlash against feminist groups in Canada. The SlutWalk was birthed in the city of Toronto in Canada in 2011 after a comment made from a police officer about women dressing provocatively in public. His remarks were a response to the sudden number of increases of complaints about stare rape, catcalls and leering of Canadian women which were perpetrated in low income, crime ridden communities near York University. It appears that the Toronto feminist groups wanted the police to utilize more of their resources to combat catcalling and whistles, rather than to stop serious crime like armed robberies and execution